Can you believe it is November already? Just a couple of months and we will be in the new year! I remember as a kid thinking we would all have flying cars in 2025. We are not there yet but there are some major changes in the technology we have today compared to what I had as a kid.
Hebrews 13:8 reminds us, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
What an uplifting thought as we think about the shifting sands of this world. King Jesus is still on the throne! We have so much to be thankful for as we enter this holiday season.
We appreciate our Veterans at Calvary Baptist Church and in our community. We will recognize our Veterans on Sunday morning, November 10th during our morning worship service. If you have a photo of yourself or a Veteran in your family you would
like to submit for the slide show please email those to the church office (office@cbcfranklin.com) or to myself (pastor@cbcfranklin.com). We will also host a continental breakfast that morning at 8:30 for our Veterans and their families. Enjoy some donuts and share some stories of your service with other Veterans.
We have Thanksgiving quickly approaching. We will take up a special offering of Thanksgiving on the morning of the 24th. We accept this special offering each year to go towards our building fund. Please pray and give as the Lord leads you. We will follow the morning service with our Thanksgiving meal. Please invite family and friends to attend this celebration with us.
Our ladies Advent study “Joy to the World” will begin on November 26th. We have a daytime and evening offering of this study. Please reach out to Natasha Grimes or the church office for more information or to order your study guide.
This time of year, really gets busy with the holidays and events taking place. Let me encourage you to always take time to stop and give thanks to the Lord Who has blessed each of us with so much. We should always be thankful we have a Lord Who loves us and adores us so much that He died on the cross for each of us. Through His sacrifice, we can have the assurance of eternal life.
In Christ, Pastor Jeff