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June 2023 Pastor’s Note

Summertime is here! All those cold days are behind us now, well we hope, this is Kentucky! I get so excited at church during the summer. We have so many fun activities going on. But not just fun for the sake of entertaining, fun events in which we have the opportunity to share the love of Christ with our community. We have Vacation Bible School coming up June 12-16. The theme this year is “Twist and Turns, Following Jesus Changes the Game”. Psalm 25:4 will be their guiding passage, “Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths.”

Watching the excitement in these kids when they discover how much Jesus loves them is an amazing thing. If you want to volunteer to serve in some way for VBS there is still time. I have never heard anyone say at the end of VBS, well, that was a waste of time. It will bless you to be able to share with these kids. I pray you will take advantage of every opportunity the Lord provides you to serve.

Of course, as we go through the summer months, many in our church family will be traveling for vacation. Pray for those out on the road and in the air. It’s always great to spend that downtime with your family and friends. It is much needed as we become busier each year. Use some of that downtime to deepen your relationship with Christ. Find you a quiet space and spend time with Jesus in His Word and through prayer.

Come back refreshed and relaxed but also closer to your Savior.

Let me tell you also that it is such a joy to be your pastor. I am blessed by the family we have here at Calvary Baptist Church, and I am grateful for all that each of you do. We have such loving and Christ filled fellowship among our church family. Thank you for your faithfulness to Christ and to His Bride, the Church.

In Christ, Pastor Jeff


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