Seems like only yesterday we were talking about Summer Break for the kids. It has really flown by it seems! Time to settle back into a normal routine for most.
What does your daily routine look like?
Do you start your day with prayer?
Do you spend time in God’s Word each day?
Do you plan to attend church services each opportunity you have?
Hebrews 10:25, a very familiar passage, says:
“Not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.”
As we shift back into the post summer routines, I pray each of you will make a habit of assembling together with other believers. We have abundant opportunities here at Calvary to meet together to Bible study, worship, and fellowship. Make an effort to invite someone to come with you. Who’s Your One?
For those you invite that do not respond, pray for them! The power of prayer is awesome! We can make a change in Simpson County, we can make a change in the world through prayer. Pray for the lost around you. Be bold in your witness! You have a great Power dwelling in you to provide the strength and guidance you need.
In Christ, Bro. Jeff